Kreioz Legal Solutions


Business law practitioners at KREIOZ LEGAL consults and advises companies, individuals and various legal entities on issues concerning the smooth functioning of their businesses, resolution of disputes and growth assistance.

The Business laws in India are dynamic and moving at a very high speed to be in consonance and merge with the global trends, Lawyers in KREIOZ provide practical solutions to multiple and complex problems businesses face today both nationally and internationally. KREIOZ provides commercial legal advice and adequate protection to their clients through their associates and their expert commercial law team. We assist foreign companies to setup operations in India and also facilitate establishing joint ventures and FDI in the country.

The Business law core team at KREIOZ uses its expertise to ensure the smooth functioning of its client’s business and protection of client’s assets in India including providing due diligence for businesses in India in addition to assisting startups to become large Business Houses. Our retention schemes for companies and individuals provide timely advise to companies to ensure proper and smooth functioning of business with due compliance to the existing laws of the land.

Key Areas
Due Diligence Litigation
Statutory Compliances Fundamental Rights
Business Documentation Winding up of Businesses
Formation and Registration of Companies Online Consultancy
Formation of LLPs Entry level advise to companies
Formation of Partnership Firms Due diligence
Joint Ventures Compliance of International Laws
Amalgamations International Agreements
Contract Agreements International Collaborations
License Agreements Import Export Advise
Mergers Customs
Franchise Agreements Joint ventures
Leave and License Agreements FEMA guidelines
AOP’s RBI compliances
Representation at Company Law Board International law documentations
Money Recoveries International online law services
Leases International arbitration
Intellectual Property matters Compliance of various Anti-bribery and corruption laws
Bankruptcy US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act UK Bribery Act
Foreign Exchange