Kreioz Legal Solutions


The landscape of Indian Labour Law has evolved dynamically due to the influx of multinational companies engaged in international trade and collaborations. This has exerted significant pressure on the Indian Legal System to align its Labour Laws with global trends.

The team of Labour lawyers at KREIOZ LEGAL specializes in diverse Labour Laws applicable in India. We aid our clients in devising company labor policies and ensuring adherence to various legal mandates. Additionally, we offer consultation on regulating employee activities and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.

Key Areas
Indian Labour Law consultation. Closures
Labour Law compliance Framing of Labour Policies
Representation in Industrial Dispute Tribunals Lock outs
Drafting of Labour contracts Labour Disputes
ESI PF Compliances. Labour related Litigation
Dismissals/ Terminations Sexual harassment
Retrenchment Enquiry Committees
Code of Conduct for employees